Sign Up!
PGA Junior League: Ages 6-13. This is for the New golfers, that will play a 2-person scramble. $349 for the summer. $99 fee online when you sign up for the league and $250 Cash/Check/Venmo.
June 1st – August.
PGA Junior Interclub: Ages 12-18. This is for the juniors that play for their school team. It is an individual score. $250 Cash/Check/Venmo.
June 1st – July 31st.
Junior Camps: June 4th-6th and July 23rd-25th from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM.
Members- $200 for all 3 days or $75 per day
Non-members- $250 for all 3 days
Also Cash/Check/Venmo.
Meet and Greet May 22nd at 5:00 PM Check out our special sales in the golf shop.
If you may have any questions please email PJ Garcia at